好吧! 答者只有: 宇姍
恭喜壓~~ 答對了!
那是用猜的嗎? 當然要從文中找出蛛絲馬跡喔
1. But everyone here is very nice and they all speak excellent English.
那可以知道: 一定不是英語系國家 (Alaska被刪掉啦)
2.地方很優美 安靜(綠色部分)
3. 重點來了~~ this strange light until midnight.
(Norway, Sweden, Russia, Chile, Argentina...)
我覺得Russsia可以把它刪掉, 他們英語能力應該沒很好吧??
峽灣, 雖然北歐國家可能都有,但是fjords是Norwagian來的
所以答案就是"Norway" 挪威
a quiet, pleasant city. Not much of a nightlife for Sarah.
She was hoping to meet some other people her age.
But everyone here is very nice and they all speak excellent English.
Now we're driving north, taking lots of ferries across the fjords.
The scenery is just lovely. You should see Arnie with his camera!
The evenings are especially beautiful, this strange light until midnight.
We never feel like going to bed! In a ffew days, we'll be in the land of the midnight sun!
Arnie and Sarah send their love
- Oct 20 Fri 2006 02:59